Plants in July at Glendoick Garden Centre

Roses, roses roses 
In full flower from June onwards
Compact patio roses for containers or borders
Bush Roses with large flowers and lots of scent
Old fashioned shrub roses
Climbing roses for walls and fences.,
Masses of spectacular summer colour …
what colour?…. Any colour you want…
Hydrangea Festival!
Any shape, any size any colour!
Glendoick grow a specially selected range of these, best suited to Scotland.
Two white ones H. arboresens and H. paniculata are the hardiest of all:
You can grow these even in the coldest gardens and they’ll always flower.
Coloured foliage:
Come and choose from our range of shrubs and perennials with coloured foliage. Amazing Physocarpus in shades of purple and red, Sambucus with maple like dark purple leaves, yellow foliage in a range of shrubs and perennials.... and much more..
Hardy Fuchsias:
Fuchsias are in flower now and will go on and on all summer into the Autumn. Nothing flowers for longer.
Hardy Fuchsias can be planted in the garden and they'll come up every year.
Bedding Fuchsias need to be kept frost free in winter or you can just throw them out and start again next year.
- Feathery flowers in red, purple, pink or white.
- Likes moist soil.
- Tough and easy.
- Attractive, finely cut foliage.
- A great range of varieties to choose from from compact to tall.
Geranium 'Rozanne'
- Voted Plant of the century at Chelsea a few years ago.
- Flowers for months from July to October or later
- Amazing luminour blue flowers.
- On Ken Cox's 100 best plants for Scotland listing.
Blue, blue blue, ideal for sunny spots
Need well drained soil.
Clumps will thicken over time... and spread gradually.
Long flowering Plants