Fruit and vegetables in March

Fruit Trees and bushes: this is the ideal time of year to plant currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, plums, cherries. Get them in before they start growing and they'll make good growth in their first season. It is best to not to let apples fruit in the first two years as the branches are not strong enough to bear them. Pick them off when small.
2nd Early and maincrop potatoes should be planted this month. Make sure the emerging shoots don’t get frosted by mounding up soil to cover any emerging shoots.
Sow seeds: Sow chillies & peppers in a warm place/propagator. Early salads can be sown now, but make sure you have some protection to keep frost off. Start sowing sweet corn, courgettes and other vegetables indoors and plant them out in May when it is warm enough. This is also the time to sow beetroot, leek, lettuce and summer cabbage.